Before using eConsult, please consider checking to see if your problem can be addressed by your local community pharmacy and the Common Ailments Service - click HERE
IMPORTANT - eConsult should NOT be used for urgent problems. If you have an issue that needs same day attention, you must telephone the surgery on 01570 422665.
Contact a doctor for advice for your problem
Seek general advice
Request administrative assistance (3 working days response for admin requests)
Be sure to respond within 24 hours (if you have asked for a specific doctor you may have to wait longer than 24 hours for an appointment because they may be unavailable on the day we receive your eConsult)
If you submit an eConsult late on a Friday afternoon, you will receive a response no later than the following Monday afternoon. If you apply on a BANK HOLIDAY your request will be reviewed the next working day. If you have requested a specific clinician and they are unavailable you will be booked with another doctor and notified giving you the option to cancel or rearrange.
Benefits of eConsult
EConsult is secure. EConsult always alerts patients who report a serious symptom or medical emergency. Their red flag system immediately instructs patients to seek the most appropriate care. Their Clinical Governance board is made up of GPs, clinicians and NHS specialists. The board meets regularly to conduct content reviews and ensure that eConsult always adheres to the latest guidelines and highest standards of security. Their Clinical Governance Lead and Information Governance Lead meet monthly to maintain their hazard logs and security case, and identify any new potential risks or Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) requirements.
Following MHRA's guidance on medical devices, they have appointed and will continue to apply the Medical Safety Officer, and have applied the standards defined in DCB0129 / DCB0160. They are the proud winners and finalists of several Patient Safety Awards.