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Policy for removal of patients

We aim to provide the best possible healthcare to our patients.  However, there may be circumstances when it would be considered reasonable, or in the best interests of the patient, to remove the patient from the practice list. 



1) Violent and/ or Abusive Behaviour 

When a patient:  

  • Is at any time or location physically or verbally violent or threatening towards a doctor or staff member, or while on the practice premises, including the car park and walkways around the premises, to other patients

  • Causes physical damage to practice premises or equipment or to another patient's property while visiting the practice

  • Gives at any time or location verbal abuse to doctors or staff, or to other patients who are visiting the practice

  • Gives racial abuse verbally or physically

  • Is violent, uses or condones threatening behaviour or verbal abuse to doctors (or any other member of the primary healthcare team) while visiting a patient at home or other location. Such behaviour may involve a patient, a relative, a household member, a friend, or pets (e.g. unchained dogs)

2) Crime and Deception

When a patient: 

  • Fraudulently obtains or attempts to obtain drugs

  • Deliberately lies to the doctor or any member of the primary healthcare team (e.g. by giving a false name, address or medical history) in order to obtain a service or benefit by deception

  • Attempts to use a doctor to conceal or aid any criminal activity

  • Steals from the practice premises including the car park and walkways around the building

3) Distance

  • Where a patient has moved out of the practice area and has failed to register with another GP

4) Embarkation

  • Where a patient has moved abroad for a period of 3 or more months

5) Failure to attend pre-booked appointments 

  • Where a patient fails to attend pre-booked appointments, whether made by the patient or on the patient's behalf, without giving prior notice on a number of occasions during a given period

6) Irretrievable Breakdown of the Doctor-Patient Relationship

  • Where a patient's behaviour falls outside that of which is normally considered reasonable and leads to an irretrievable breakdown of the doctor-patient relationship
